#74: Avatar: Let's Tar

Hey Listener. In this episode, Matt and Sean snob about James Cameron’s Avatar, a movie that people cared about a lot for a while, and barely talk about anymore. Why are we talking about Avatar when a global pandemic is destroying the fabric of civilization? Well, why does James Cameron fancy himself an explorer of the sea? Some questions just don’t have answers. For those questions, we turn to the snobbing table, because sometimes that’s the only thing that makes sense. Especially when you’re talking about a movie where giant blue people fuse their braids with plants and dragons.

#72: Forged in Fire and Ancient Aliens | Masculinity and Conspiracy


What do two shows on the History Channel have to do with Scott Stapp? Probably not that much, but at least something, because all of them are discussed on this new episode of General Snobbery, where we examine the strange intersection between masculinity and conspiracy that seems to exist in these craaaazy times. Forged in Fire and Ancient Aliens are pretty wild shows, so this episode is a pretty wild ride! We hope you’ll join us.

*This episode is brought to you by Farts. Farts, making the world turn round, one stench at a time.