#63: Anaconda: Jon Voight of Paraguay in the Amazon


Cube. Lopez. Wilson. That Victorian Hunter from Jumanji. These are the people you will meet in the Amazon, searching for the fabled People of the Mist. But what else will you meet on this Voightage? CGI!

Anaconda is Roger Ebert’s favorite movie, and it’s basically Jaws. People on a rickety boat attacked by a monster water creature? Yep, that’s Jaws. That is one Voightage I have no interest in taking!

Deep in the jungle, while on your Voightage, you will find more than wild creatures. You will find treachery and even fascism as one man turns this educational Voightage into a horror Voightage. 

Full of amazing lives and even more amazing faces, Anaconda is about as mediocre as a thing can be and likely served no major benefit to society as a whole. Most likely Roger Evert would disagree with that, but to each his Voighn.