#62: Blue Velvet


Blue Velvet is a disturbing movie. The main reason it is disturbing is because of a man named Hopper. Dennis Hopper to be exact. Dennis Hopper plays Frank, a crazy man who inhales nitrous oxide from a ventilator he seems to always have. In reality, Dennis Hopper is playing Dennis Hopper, because when D.H. saw the script, he told filmmaker David Lynch, "I must play Frank, because I am Frank." If that is the case, it's a good thing he's dead. 

Join us for this disturbing snob that gets Freudian real fast. This one takes us out of our comfort zone. That's what David Lynch does. He seems to want to show us that we are all twisted when we dig deep enough, just like protagonist Jeffrey, played by the detective from Twin Peaks. Jeffrey likes Heineken, but Frank likes Pabst Blue Ribbon. We never learn what Ben likes, because Ben is more interested in lip synching Roy Orbison songs and punching Jeffrey in the stomach. Regardless, crack open your beer, pour yourself a coffee, and join us on this snob through the repressed sexuality of the dark unconscious.