#18: Gladiator and Bros

Gladiator (2000), directed by our favorite British-man, Ridley Scott, ushered in a new era of violence in the multiplexes. But, unbeknownst to Mr. Scott, Russell Crowe, or even Joaquin Phoenix, the film was destined to usher in a new era of something far more deplorable: a new era, of "bros." 

Maximus Decimus Meridius, looking like a standard bro. 

Maximus Decimus Meridius, looking like a standard bro. 

We all know "bros," and we all despise "bros." So why do "bros" still exist? In the eighteenth (!) episode of General Snobbery, we endeavor to answer that question. Using Gladiator, that depthless masterpiece, as a springboard, we travel into echelons wholly new, and for the first time, we leave you, listener, with a pressing moral prerogative. Together, let us do all we can possibly do to rid the world of "bros" once and for all. 

A special thanks to our Listener of the Week, Aaron Brunmeier, for providing us with such a grand question this week. Aaron, this snob's for you. 

Key Moments:
42:45: Transition from Gladiator to Bros
52:15: The two words that are destroying the human race
1:19:00: How to cure the world of Bros