#26: Ubuntu of Umbutu: DeObia Oparei, Here Be Our Plea!

Dear Mr. DeObia Oparei,

Greetings on this fine day! This message comes to you from Sean and Matt, curators of General Snobbery Podcast. As you have likely discovered via our tweets and Instagram posts, we are big fans of your work. Specifically, we adulate your work as Dikembe Umbutu in Independence Day: Resurgence, and we remain grateful for the celestial degree of joy it has brought our lives. 

With you, DeObia, we sense a great kinship.

With you, DeObia, we sense a great kinship.

While we wish not to elaborate too much in this episode description, we beseech you to give this episode a listen during a few free moments you may find amidst your busy, illustrious life (perhaps whilst relaxing in a crystal-laden bathtub with candles and incense burning?). We have an offer for you, a plea if you will, over which we hope you will let your mind wander in your meditations. It is our sincere hope that you will consider being interviewed by us on General Snobbery, that we may get to know the man behind the machetes, the ubuntu of Umbutu. 

Should you decide to share a few moments of your time with we lowly plebeians, know that a great gift will be coming your way, both in the physical and in the spiritual. All information w/r/t contacting us can be found on our website, generalsnobbery.com. Yet in truth, given our positive interactions on Twitter, we believe a Twitter DM will be the best bridge between our distant worlds.

We thank you, Mr. DeObia, for your sincerity, your generosity of spirit, and your bringing to be of Dikembe Umbutu. May many profound visions come your way. 

With hearts of gratitude,

Sean and Matt
General Snobbery Podcast

PS: If you wish to gauge our interviewing abilities before agreeing, you might have a listen to episodes X-XII, all of which take the interview format. Fare thee well. 

#14: Livin' the Dream: Matt Returns from Appalachia

After six weeks of grand views and celestial visions, Matt hath returned from the land of Appalachia. Now, residing in the great city of Chicago, he has christened the reuniting of General Snobbery for the foreseen future. Praise be! 

This snob's for you, Roland Emmerich. 

This snob's for you, Roland Emmerich. 

In a conversation of much joy (re: the snobbing method), Sean inquires Matt about a particular kind of vision he received on his spirit quest through Appalachia. Indeed, great visions from on high have come to determine the pathway forth for General Snobbery: to write the script for the upcoming film Independence Day 3

This is a plea to Mr. Roland Emmerich (@rolandemmerich) to give us a shot. We love you, Roland, and we love your films, and we have had many visions on directions the script may go. If you wish to skip past our attempts to impress, please travel to the 29 minute mark, where you will discover some of our large-scheme ideas. 

Listener, you can join our crusade by following us on Twitter (@GeneralSnobbery) and liking/retweeting our daily tweets @rolandemmerich. We know that with your help, we can make this dream a reality. Then, at last, we may all spread our snobs far and wide that we are at long last "livin' the dream."

Key Moments:

15:00 - Announcement of the Campaign
22:00 - "Livin' the Dream"
29:00 - Teasers for Independence Day 3

#6: What's the Deal with Sequels?

Feeling that their conversation re: Roland Emmerich's great sequel Independence Day: Resurgence ended insufficiently, Matt and Sean migrated from the basement to sit at table beneath the seven stars of the St. Louis night. Situated amidst the crickets and cicadas, beneath the jet airplanes, within the cool and gentle breeze, they set out to discuss the question: What's the deal with all the sequels these days? What topics, ideas, and questions then arose? Well, dear listener, to offer a brief teaser trailer: Indiana Jones/Indian Death Cults, Pulp Fiction, change in character as "deserved" and "necessary," Breaking Bad, emotion, The Truman Show, recycling of formulaic material, P.T. Anderson and Richard Linklater’s superiority, the relation between pop novels, pop songs, and big-budget films, art's facilitation of a "confrontation with reality", and, finally, the ensuing moral responsibility of the artist. How, the hosts ask, can a film become truly enduring? Tune in, dear listener, and join us in our philosophical considerations of these many topics and questions, and together let us snob our way into a discussion that unveils the calm, serious tonalities of the ancient art of snobbery.